Getting ready for your event is a few clicks away

The stress of making choices fades with Banuqet, the tool that picks your outfits, salons and helps organize your time.


Wardrobe builder


Salon picker


Certified partners

Benefit from the best
services provided by approved salons

Sequins and embellishements may be attractive for a party event, but the way you feel is what matters the most. We make sure you have a range of salon services to choose from.

About Banquet


The reception is a few days away while you don't have the outfit ready and you are clueless about doing your own hair. Banquet will help you solve all these issues without stressing out.


Banquet provides you with a wide variety of outfits you can pick from, and a list of reviewed salons that will take care of your appearance at your special event.

Cost of it all?

Save time and money by completing your attire in a few clicks, instead worrying about the expenses of travelling back and forth into stores for the desired result.

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progress and product launch

Subscribe to our newsletter to find out the latest major installments in our project. Furthermore, sign up now for exclusive items and hot booking spots at salons, before colleagues do!

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